Bradley Chapman

Do You Ever Feel Stuck And At Times Frozen In Fear To Be Able To Move Forward To Achieve Your True Levels of Success?


In 2021 I Had A Near Death Experience. Once You Have Faced Death. There Is Nothing Left To Fear

Do Not Live In Fear Of Your Potential Success

You Are More Powerful Than You Can Imagine

It All Starts With Your Mindset and How Determined and Focused You Are

Whether You Are A Career Individual, A Business Start Up or Run A Successful Thriving Business

If You Can Hold It In Your Mind You Can Hold It In Your Hand

I Will Show You How To .......

Get Rid of The Dead Wood of Your Past Fears

Focus Your Mind Into a State of Positivity and Belief

Believe That You Can Achieve Growth and Succeed

Constantly Focus on Your Ultimate Wealth Goals

Stay in a Motivated Focused State of Mind

Accept and Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Understanding That Learning and Growth Is a Process

Help You Realise That Problems Are Opportunities

Get Laser Focused On Your Business Growth

Learn How to Maximise Your Time Every Day


Arrive 9.30 am | Registration Breakfast Rolls Tea & Coffee

10 am -11.30 am | Say Goodbye to Your Past Fears and Challenges

11.30 am  -1 pm | The Only Thing That Matters Is Today

1 pm -1.30 Lunch Break & Mingle

1.30 pm – 3 pm – I Can Achieve Everything

3 pm – 4.30 pm | The Awakening of The New You


Why Attend Bradley's Events

Bradley is a dynamic and inspirational business consultant, coach and mentor. He brings an incredible level of passion, integrity and experience during his events delivery. He has a wide range of business skills and expertise. An entrepreneur in his own right. He lights up rooms and the people within them. Booking one of Bradley’s events will help to to visualise and focus on your ultimate definite goal.

Pushing Your Mind and Mental Ability to the Absolute Limits Showing You Who You Really Are And What You Are Truly Capable of.

“The Only People That Fail Are The Ones Who Face Setbacks And Give Up On Themselves. Don't Ever Give Pp And Don't Get Bitter, Just Get Better”

ITV Undercover Big Boss With Bradley Chapman

Bradley is a high level business consultant, entrepreneur and business owner who has trained, coached and mentored over 20,000 people during his career. He is a business growth, branding and business strategy expert. Brad has worked with, coached, trained, and mentored at executive levels across multiple business arenas including executive CEO and MD, and with board of directors. He is a dynamic business growth and strategy expert that helps businesses to  scale. He has also dramatically leveraged the personal brand and global business awareness for Alfie Best (Billionaire). Bradley went undercover and appeared on ITV’s Undercover Big Boss with his mentor Alfie Best. 

Bradley Chapman on ITV Undercover Big Boss With Billionaire Alfie Best
Play Video about Bradley Chapman on ITV Undercover Big Boss With Billionaire Alfie Best

“Bradley Is Disrupting Business and Entrepreneur Wealth Growth By Reshaping Your Ultimate Wealth Goals”